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My Story

I never trained in building with earth or cob (as it is known in Europe and USA), but saw a lot of houses being built when I was growing up. So most of my childhood was spent outdoors 'building and playing' with mud in the midst of nature. ​I graduated from building small mud projects, to building full fledged houses. My first house to build was in 2006. I am currently living in my own mud home, which has been my biggest project. (see construction of Ushago Christian Homestead). I am also a great believer in using whatever you have in your hand, which means recycling what's recyclable, which cuts the cost of building, yet making it unique !.

For me, earth homes represents a lifestyle that speak of simplicity, peace, authenticity and connection to nature, traditional yet with touches of the 21st century living. One thing is for sure....its is much much cheaper than having to take a huge mortgage to build, and take the next ten years to repay the mortgage, however, if your one who likes to cross your ' tees' and dot  your 'I's", then earthen homes may just not be for you !  

I began Ushago Style self building informally in 2006 with the goals to encourage, inspire and empower individuals, including children and young adults to:

  • proudly reclaim the rich Ushago Style African-Kenyan traditional house building techniques of using cob (earth) , in self building creative, affordable and sustainable environmental friendly homes. 


  • understand the benefits of retaining traditional Ushago Style cob building techniques tailored to the 21st C.


  • ensure traditional house building methods are recorded for future generations, as part of their cultural inheritance.

  • encourage a healthier less stressful lifestyle brought about by taking loans, in house building

  • encourage positive community relationships



The  Core Team

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